Community Drum Circle Saturday June 3rd in Old Settlers Park

Saturday June 3rd, join us in Old Settlers Park from 12-2pm for some rhythmic fun and experimentation.  We'll be located at the Festival Area (adjacent to the Lakeview Pavilion)

What is a drum circle?  Well, a drum circle welcomes any person with any musical background to come and experience a unique musical ensemble.  Drum circles are more of an organic performance, that includes all ages and all experiences.  Never played drums before?  No problem!  We aren't focusing on technique, or even rhythmic notation.  Just use your ears, and see where you could fit in. 

Some drums, shakers, tambourines, and sticks will be provided, so just bring yourself.  If you have a hand drum, or a tom tom to bang feel free to bring it with you.  (Please ask you Mom before bringing her pots and pans)